Civil Engineering Society (CES) in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering - IIT Hyderabad, aims to serve as a unique
platform for all the civil engineering
student to prosper in their career through the concept of "Learn-Network-Prosper".
Through the seminars, talks, and events, students have an opportunity to get exposed to the diverse
fields of civil engineering which will make them appreciate the intricacies of civil engineering.
Activities :
Seminars by various professors about their core research and the career opportunities associated
with those respective fields.
Talks by students who succesfully cracked IES and GATE examinations about the preparation strategies.
Interactive sessions with distinguished Alumni of the Civil Engineering Department of IITH.
Networking between Bachleors and PhD students through Research Mentor-Mentee Program.
FAQ sessions with PhD students about the life of a PhD student.
Workshops related to Civil Engineering related software like Staad-Pro, AutoCAD etc.
Informal talks by faculty about their personal as well as professional experiences to strengthen
the student-faculty relatonship.
Organising Civil day, for promoting interaction and research based activities among civil enthusiasts.
Site visits.
Scheduled networking events between freshers and the seniors.
Monthly circulation of innovative and new research development made in the said month in the field of Civil Engineering.
Talks by industrial leaders about the job market and job profiles of Civil Engineers.